In [14]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# import qgrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

In [5]:
# read in a CSV
df = pd.read_csv('buffy.csv')
# read in JSON
# df = pd.read_json('buffy.json')

In [15]:

Character Species Height (inches) Actor DOB Number of Episodes Ranking Gender
0 Buffy Human 64.0 4/14/77 145 5 F
1 Xander Human 70.0 4/12/71 145 11 M
2 Willow Human 64.5 3/24/74 144 1 F
3 Giles Human 73.0 2/20/54 123 3 M
4 Cordelia Human 67.0 7/23/70 58 7 F

In [7]:
# display last five rows

Character Species Height (inches) Actor DOB Number of Episodes Ranking Gender
9 Tara Human 64 1/8/77 47 13 F
10 Dawn Human 66 10/11/85 66 50 F
11 Joyce Human 67 4/17/55 58 24 F
12 Faith Human 65 12/30/80 20 4 F
13 Drusilla Vampire 66 3/30/65 17 12 F

In [ ]:
# write dataframe to a CSV